I saw Pete Collins tie up a crayfish at
Coleman's Fly Shop last Saturday and it got me thinking I should try it again. My first attempt was a
Kzoo Craw a month or two ago and that turned out pretty nice. My second attempt didn't get past 1/2 done. After watching Pete tie on Saturday I had some new ideas to work with. Here's what I came up with.
The top one was the first one this weekend. Not too bad. The middle one has no claws.....it was getting late and I forgot to add them. The bottom one turned out pretty nice and I was pleased with it.

Then my last one from yesterday was tied on a larger hook and turned out quite nicely. This is my favorite so far. I have some changes I plan to make for the next one I tie.

Then Brooke wanted to tie one like mine. I helped more than I usually do, and hers turned out pretty nice!

These are fun to tie and I will definitely be tying up some more since I hear they can catch all kinds of fish.